It will also reduce executive pay, scale back its investment plans and suspend its second-half dividend. 日产还将消减公司高官的薪酬,缩小投资计划规模,并暂停今年下半年的派息。
The remaining respondents showed a preference for BHP to expand its own operations, buy back shares or increase its dividend. 余下的被调查者表示应该优先拓展自己的业务,收购股份或增加它的股息。
Even though the outlook is uncertain, the corporate sector will be reluctant to draw back from progressive dividend policies: if times get hard, other taps will be turned off first. 尽管前景不确定,但企业界将不愿意退出股息日增的政策:如果年景变差,将会先砍掉一些其他支出。
There are cash dividend, stock dividend, debt type dividend and stock buy-back in fact in payment forms of the dividend. 股利的支付形式一般有现金股利、股票股利、负债式股利和股票回购。
As CBs holders, they can choose to hold bonds and ask the issuing company to pay interest and capital back or to convert the bonds to the underlying stocks to gain the dividend and premium. 对于可转换债券投资者而言,既可以选择持有债券,要求公司还本付息;也可选择在约定的时间内将债券转换成标的股票,享受股利分配或资本增值。